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Cole Hersee Push Button Momentary

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Cole Hersee Push Button Momentary

Price: $13.95
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• 5A at 12V DC.
• Normally On, Push to Mom Off, spring return to On.
• Snaps into .80 - .85" (20.3 - 21.6mm) diameter hole.
• Fits panels .03 - .07" thick (.76 - 1.8mm).
• Moisture-resistant molded plastic case.
• Two female bullet terminals, plastic plunger 9/16" (14.3mm) long.

Replaces: Delco 1972534, Ford B0A, B9a, B9MF, C3AZ, C5AZ, C607, FEW, OA-13713-A, Jeep 805699, Motorcraft SW-265, 395, Peterbilt 16-03030.

Cole Hersee Push Button Momentary

Code: 300664
Shipping Weight: 0.20 lb.
UPC: 632850487405