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SHAKESPEARE  Connector for RG-8X or RG-58/AU Coax. Gold Plated

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SHAKESPEARE Connector for RG-8X or RG-58/AU Coax. Gold Plated

Price: $12.95
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Shakespeare Centerpin® PL-259-CP-G Connector

Shakespeare offers an extensive line of marine grade connectors and adapters for antenna installations. Our new connectors are gold-plated brass to better withstand the elements and to minimize traditional connector-borne signal loss.

The perfect solution to the troublesome task of installing a PL-259 connector or splicing RG-58 A/U, RG-8/X or Lo-Max® coaxial cables. Shakespeares revolutionary
Centerpin® connectors are solderless, fret-less, and botchless. They go on without a hitch, without soldering skills. No measuring, no critical stripping of coax
insulation, no fussing with the coaxs braid, and no "tinning."

SHAKESPEARE Connector for RG-8X or RG-58/AU Coax. Gold Plated

Code: PL-259-CP-G
Shipping Weight: 0.10 lb.