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Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights

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Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights

Price: $92.95 - $39.95
Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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ElectralumeŽ Under Water Fishing Lights The Electralume has emerged as the next generation of fishing lights. LED lumination means the Electralume doesn't fade overnight like chemical lights. With a battery life up to 500 hours, the Electralume offers a consistant high intensity illumination that outperforms chemical light sticks. The Electralume lasts longer and penetrates deeper into the water to catch more fish.

Electralumes are proven effective for swordfish, grouper, snapper, halibut, and other species that are attracted to light. The Electralume comes in a variety of colors including Green, Blue, Aqua, Purple, Red, and White. LP also offers multi colored Electralumes and a full spectrum version that flashes every color in the fish attracting spectrum.

Electralumes have become the weapon of choice for swordfisherman throughout the world. You can't find a boat that catches swordfish without an electralume powering up their spread. While there are many different options on which color works best, you can't go wrong trying 'em all.

Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights

Code: LPE
Brand: Lindgren Pitman

Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Cop Light



Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Disco



Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Mardi Gras



Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Green



Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Red



Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Blue



Lindgren Pitman Electralume Under Water Fishing Lights - Purple

